Results: 201-220 of 227

KB User's Guide - Documents Tab - Guide to HTML Editor Buttons (Classic Editor)

Last updated on 2022-07-20
Description of HTML editor buttons in KB Admin Tools
  • Group: KB User's Guide
  • Views this week: 75
  • Total views: 146241
ID: 14927

KB User's Guide - Documents Tab - Demo - Up, Previous, Next - Page One

Last updated on 2022-07-13
This document demonstrates the use of the Up, Previous, and Next functionality. This document is the first page in a series of four documents. This could serve as the Table of Contents or top most document in the document tree.
  • Group: KB User's Guide
  • Views this week: 79
  • Total views: 30612
ID: 15335

KB User's Guide - Documents Tab - Demo - Up, Previous, Next - Page Four

Last updated on 2022-07-13
This document demonstrates the use of the Up, Previous, and Next functionality. This is the fourth document in the series of four documents.
  • Group: KB User's Guide
  • Views this week: 63
  • Total views: 25470
ID: 15338

KB User's Guide - Documents Tab - Demo - Up, Previous, Next - Page Two

Last updated on 2022-07-13
This document demonstrates the use of the Up, Previous, and Next functionality. This is the second page in the series of four documents.
  • Group: KB User's Guide
  • Views this week: 56
  • Total views: 26307
ID: 15336

KB User's Guide - Documents Tab - Demo - Up, Previous, Next - Page Three

Last updated on 2022-07-13
This document demonstrates the use of the Up, Previous, and Next functionality. This is the third document in the series of four documents.
  • Group: KB User's Guide
  • Views this week: 57
  • Total views: 26054
ID: 15337

KB User's Guide - Documents Tab - Embedding Video

Last updated on 2022-07-05
This document provides information on how videos can be embedded within your KB documents.
  • Group: KB User's Guide
  • Views this week: 69
  • Total views: 36599
ID: 22114

KB User's Guide - API - What is an API?

Last updated on 2022-06-27
This document provides a general description of what an Application Programming Interface (API) is, as well as some helpful references in learning more about how you can use the KB APIs to pull KB data into other applications.
  • Group: KB User's Guide
  • Views this week: 93
  • Total views: 25765
ID: 29280

KB User's Guide - Assessment Tab - Quiz/Survey Modules

Last updated on 2022-06-24
This document will walk you through the steps to create a Quiz/Survey Module in the Assessment tab.
  • Group: KB User's Guide
  • Views this week: 68
  • Total views: 31749
ID: 44283

KB User's Guide - Documents Tab - Dual Status in Multiple KB Sites

Last updated on 2022-06-15
This document explains the SiteStatus field in the Document Information Table when viewing in KB Admin Tools.
  • Group: KB User's Guide
  • Views this week: 81
  • Total views: 29510
ID: 20690

KB User's Guide - Documents Tab - Attachment Search

Last updated on 2022-06-09
In addition to searching for document keywords and text, the KB's search engine allows users to search for text within certain types of file attachments.
  • Group: KB User's Guide
  • Views this week: 55
  • Total views: 25022
ID: 27227

KB User's Guide - Documents Tab - Suggest a Document Link - How to Submit a Suggestion

Last updated on 2022-06-08
The Suggest a document link allows users to submit requests for new documentation.
  • Group: KB User's Guide
  • Views this week: 73
  • Total views: 36501
ID: 16441

KB User's Guide - Documents Tab - Embedding a Kaltura MediaSpace Video in a KB Document

Last updated on 2022-06-01
UW-Madison users may use a Kaltura MediaSpace account to host videos they wish to embed in the KB. This document will point you to instructions on using Kaltura, as well as how to embed your video into a KB document.
  • Group: KB User's Guide
  • Views this week: 48
  • Total views: 29322
ID: 49517

KB User's Guide - General - Admin and Author Training Recordings [Campus login required]

Last updated on 2021-12-10
On this page, you can view recordings from a combined admin and author training session that was conducted in February 2020. If you would like to attend an upcoming live training session, please contact to find out the next ...
  • Group: KB User's Guide
  • Views this week: 0
  • Total views: 3
ID: 106115

KB User's Guide - Documents Tab - Where To Place <link> Tags

Last updated on 2021-11-29
The TinyMCE editor does not allow <link> tags to be placed in the document body. You may find that tags you are attempting to add are not being saved, or you may see an alert warning that <link> tags previously stored in the doc body ...
  • Group: KB User's Guide
  • Views this week: 45
  • Total views: 9572
ID: 114990

KB User's Guide - KB Training - Watch the New Editor Training

Last updated on 2021-11-03
The KB Team held a training on the new document editor, which will eventually replace the classic editor. If you weren't able to attend, you can view the training recording here.
  • Group: KB User's Guide
  • Views this week: 61
  • Total views: 17554
ID: 104509

KB User's Guide - Documents Tab - Restoring a deleted document

Last updated on 2021-10-15
Once a KB doc has been deleted, only someone with "Publish" rights can restore that KB doc back. This doc explains how to restore a deleted doc.
  • Group: KB User's Guide
  • Views this week: 51
  • Total views: 27212
ID: 20682

KB User's Guide - News Tab - Summary

Last updated on 2021-09-25
News articles are posted on the KB sites to inform users and staff of product or service changes, operational changes, and outages.
  • Group: KB User's Guide
  • Views this week: 44
  • Total views: 26556
ID: 5269

KB User's Guide - Documents Tab - Batch Update

Last updated on 2021-08-05
This document will show KB Admins how to efficiently update documents. The Batch Update Tool options include all fields in the document editor not related to document access.
  • Group: KB User's Guide
  • Views this week: 49
  • Total views: 14020
ID: 111813

KB User's Guide - KB Site Administrator Responsibilities

Last updated on 2021-06-01
Each KB Site has a designated administrator (admin). These are their responsibilities:
  • Group: KB User's Guide
  • Views this week: 60
  • Total views: 25334
ID: 20245

KB User's Guide - General Info - Known Issues [Campus login required]

Last updated on 2021-06-01
The KB Team maintains a list of active known issues within the KB application. These are captured in a Trello board, which you can access below.
  • Group: KB User's Guide
  • Views this week: 0
  • Total views: 2
ID: 30009
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UW-Madison Unified KnowledgeBase (predicted 477 matches)