Results: 161-180 of 203

No.Document TitleIDGroupUpdatedViews
161AITS - Service Desk - Browser - Private Browsing87795University of Illinois System2024-05-088663
162AITS - Service Desk - AITS VPN - IKEv2 2FA/DUO Push Connection (Windows) [Campus login required]113854University of Illinois System2024-05-072609
163AITS - Service Desk - AITS VPN - IKEv2 2FA/DUO Push Connection (Windows) [Campus login required]113335University of Illinois System2024-05-0768
164AITS - Service Desk - AITS VPN - IKEv2 2FA/DUO Push Connection (Mac) [Campus login required]113336University of Illinois System2024-05-072351
165AITS - Service Desk - AITS VPN - SSTP 2FA/Duo Push Connection (Windows) [Campus login required]113750University of Illinois System2024-05-072244
166Status Page, Editor User Guide124227University of Illinois Technology Services2024-04-03555
167Ability LMS - Training for the Reporter Profile124528UI Training and Development Resources2024-02-022601
168Ability LMS - Training for the Trainer Profile126945UI Training and Development Resources2024-02-021768
169Ability LMS - Catalog Segment for the Trainer Profile121637UI Training and Development Resources2024-02-021745
170Medical Record Forms & Templates [Campus login required]124204UofI College of Veterinary Medicine Teaching Hospital2024-01-26331
171Medical Record Documentation [Campus login required]124238UofI College of Veterinary Medicine Teaching Hospital2024-01-26473
172VTH Board Minutes 7/22/2021 [Campus login required]127081UofI College of Veterinary Medicine Teaching Hospital2024-01-26228
173VTH Board Minutes 5/27/2021 [Campus login required]127084UofI College of Veterinary Medicine Teaching Hospital2024-01-26238
174VTH Board Minutes 9/23/2021 [Campus login required]127078UofI College of Veterinary Medicine Teaching Hospital2024-01-26214
175Ability LMS - People Segment for the Trainer Profile122076UI Training and Development Resources2023-08-281306
176Ability LMS - Master Schedule for the Trainer Profile117414UI Training and Development Resources2023-08-282337
177Ability LMS - Courses Segment for the Trainer Profile118894UI Training and Development Resources2023-08-281809
178VPN, Cisco AnyConnect (or Cisco Secure Client) Socket Filter for Mac OS Big Sur and newer Mac OS114284University of Illinois Technology Services2023-08-1423297
179Client Services Support, AITS VPN Connection (Windows)98654University of Illinois Technology Services2023-07-0613022
180Client Services Support, AITS VPN (Mac)98683University of Illinois Technology Services2023-04-057633
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