AITS - Service Desk - Enterprise Applications - Login Troubleshooting by Relationship

Unable to log into the Enterprise system with your NetID/password? Find your relationship in the table below for assistance.

  •  I am a current student
    • Current Student Solutions
      I am unable to log in with my NetID and current password
      1. Clear your browser cache and cookies
      2. Clear your saved passwords
      3. Visit the NetID Center to check your password and reset it if necessary
      I forgot my NetID password Visit the NetID Center to reset your password, re-enable your account, and set your recovery options.
      My password is expired

      Visit the NetID Center and click My password is expired to send yourself a password reset token to one of your defined recovery options.

      If you have not set up any recovery options, visit your campus helpdesk or contact them for further assistance.

      I want to change my password Visit the NetID Center to change your password.
  •  I am a current employee, faculty, staff, or student employee
    • Employee, Faculty, Staff, Student Employee Solutions
      I am unable to log in with my NetID and current password
      1. Clear your browser cache and cookies
      2. Clear your saved passwords
      3. Visit the NetID Center to check your password and reset it if necessary
      I forgot my NetID password Visit the NetID Center to reset your password, re-enable your account, and set your recovery options.
      My password is expired

      Visit the NetID Center and click My password is expired to send yourself a password reset token to one of your defined recovery options.

      If you have not set up any recovery options, visit your campus helpdesk or contact them for further assistance.

      I want to change my password Visit the NetID Center to change your password.
  •  I am the parent or guardian of a student
    • Parent or Guardian of Student Solutions
      I would like to view my student's bill or make a payment.

      Your student must authorize you to view or pay your bill by creating an Authorized Payer account for you.  You must log in here with your Authorized Payer account.

      Contact your student or see University Bursar - How do I pay my University bill?  for further information.

      You may also visit the University Bursar website for assistance.

      I have a question about my student's record.

      Contact your student.  Due to FERPA legislation, only your student may access university systems to access their information.

      For more information, contact the campus Registrar office.

      I would like to obtain a copy of my student's 1098-T or other tax form.

      Contact your student.  Due to FERPA legislation, only your student may access university systems to access their information.

      Visit the University Bursar for more information.

  •  I am an alumni or former student
    • Alumni or Former Student Solutions
      I would like to obtain an unofficial student transcript Unofficial transcripts are available in Enterprise Self-Service.  Visit the NetID Center to reset your password and re-enable your account.
      I would like to obtain an official transcript Visit your campus registrar's website for more information:  Illinois, UIC, UIS
      I would like a copy of my 1098-T tax form

      Visit the NetID Center to reset your password, re-enable your account, and update your recovery options.

      For more information, see:  University Bursar - When and how can I access my IRS Form 1098-T?

      I was a student employee and would like a copy of my W-2 tax form You cannot obtain your W-2 using your university NetID.   Contact the Payroll and Benefits office or visit the university's W-2 website for more information.
  •  I am a new admitted student
  •  I am a former employee, faculty, or staff member
    • Former Employee, Faculty, or Staff Solutions
      My password no longer works Visit the NetID Center to reset your password, re-enable your account, and update your recovery options.
      I don't remember my password Visit the NetID Center to reset your password, re-enable your account, and update your recovery options.
      I can't log into NESSIE Former employees do not have NESSIE access.  Contact the appropriate Human Resources office with questions about NESSIE.
      I would like a copy of my W-2 tax form You cannot obtain your W-2 using your university NetID.   Contact the Payroll and Benefits office or visit the university's W-2 website for more information.
  •  I am a new or returning employee (hired/rehired in the last 30 days)
    • New or Returning employee (hired in the last 30 days) Solutions
      I have not completed the UI New Hire application process Visit UI New Hire for more information
      I am unable to log in with my NetID Make sure you have claimed your NetID using the UI New Hire application.  For more information see:  NetID Claim, Employees, UI New Hire
  •  I forgot my NetID
  •  I still need help
    • Click the "Start a Ticket" link to tell us about your issue. You can also contact your campus helpdesk or the AITS Service Desk during hours they are open. Helpdesk contact information is shown on this page.

AITS, Enterprise, password, UIN, reset, EnterpriseID, Enterprise ID, Net ID, NetID, IAM, EAS 2FA 
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AITS Service Desk in University of Illinois System
University of Illinois System