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AITS - Service Desk - Enterprise Applications - Unable to Login to Enterprise Applications with NetID/Password

Here are the most common errors and solutions for helping you log into the university enterprise systems
Netid Issues

The NetID or password that you provided was incorrect or your password may have expired

Are you manually typing your NetID and password into the login form? Try clearing out both the NetID and Password fields and type them in again.

Is your password automatically entered for you?  Clear your saved passwords then go back to the login page and manually type it in.

Have you recently changed your password?  Make sure to clear your browser cache and cookies as you will sometimes receive this error right after changing your password.

Passwords will expire after 1 year.  If you tried clearing your saved passwords, clearing your browser cache and cookies, your account may be expired.  Use the NetID Center to regain access to your account. If you are unable to recover your account and reset your password, visit your university help desk.

Your account has been locked due to repeated failed login attempts

Your account is temporarily locked.  Is your password automatically entered for you?  Clear your saved passwords and make sure to clear your browser cache and cookies first before you try again.  You will have to wait ten minutes for the account lock to be removed.

Automatically locking accounts after repeated failed login attempts is for your safety and the safety of the University of Illinois should your account be attacked.

You've successfully logged in, but we cannot load the application you requested Something went wrong attempting to load your application.  Please contact the University of Illinois Systems AITS Service Desk staff.
You do not have a valid system session Your session is no longer current; it likely timed out.  Try restarting your browser and logging in again.

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When all else fails

Start a support ticket online, or you can email or call your university help desk or the AITS Service Desk during hours they are open.  Help desk contact information is shown on this page.

AITS, Enterprise, password, UIN, reset, EnterpriseID, Enterprise ID, Net ID, NetID, IAM, EAS login help, midpoint 
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AITS Service Desk in University of Illinois System
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