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Results: 1-20 of 129

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
1ACES Technology services, Buildings and Meeting Room List1315372025-03-101255
2ACES Managed Ubuntu Linux Research Workstations1376542025-03-061858
3Illinois Campus Cluster access for ACES Researchers762012025-03-0232771
4ACES Technology Services, Doris Kelley Christopher Hall 71413312025-02-27348
5IT Pro - Process - AD accounts for wireless device authorization [Campus login required]1185152025-02-1819
6IT Pro - Networks - networks for ACES people and their devices [Campus login required]1187792025-02-180
7IT Pro - MECM - View Membership Rules for Collection [Campus login required]1290162025-02-184
8IT Pro - Process - email group alias request and documentation [Campus login required]1288042025-02-1828
9Qualtrics - Using a "Collaboration Code" to share a survey1276382025-02-189480
10Remote Access - Technology options for Remote/Hybrid Work Agreements [Campus login required]1271792025-02-186
11Qualtrics: Creating an account in the UIUC site license1246212025-02-188958
12Tips for Avoiding Phishing, Identity Theft, and other Scams651452025-02-186647
13IT Pro - TeamDynamix - ACES TDX Groups [Campus login required]1223352025-02-182
14InterMapper - accessing the service [Campus login required]1214622025-02-180
15Security & Privacy - Security Liaison Program798612025-02-183733
16Statements - generate statements with CFOPs across Orgs1105942025-02-183221
17Research Data: Understanding and choosing data repositories761542025-02-185033
18Webtools - API for Campus Directory Profiles810502025-02-184749
19IT Pro - Active Directory - Powershell - Display Names from Group Membership1144072025-02-182994
20Ordering - Computer Equipment - Ordering Dell Desktops and Laptops - e-Quotes652042025-02-185211
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