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SANDI - Using Departmental Worklists (How to Review/Finalizing Charges and Mark a Patient Ready to go Home)

SANDI has departmental worklists that are meant to help streamline the discharge process. The department worklists allow clinicians and staff to see an inclusive list of patients with an open visit and/or balance. Finalizing charges and marking a patient ready to go home is a vital tool used to communicate patient status to Client Services as they appear on the Discharge worklist for CSRs to review. Please ensure that you are marking charges finalized and entering all pertinent information in the notes under Patient Ready to go Home. If your service utilizes this function, it can help reduce the need for CSRs to call back to the ward to confirm charges before check out.

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Actions Icon key

Use the Actions Icons to navigate to other screens for review/entry: 


Communication Log 


Prescription Entry    


Exams & Forms 




Charge Entry     



Review/Finalize Charges

All clients with an open visit will appear on the department worklist. Please note that it is hospital policy to keep visits open when the client has a balance.  

  1. Select Department Worklists from the menu bar.
  2. Select your service area worklist to display all open visits tied to your service.
  3. Select the checkbox under Review/Finalize Charges.
  4. Review all charges, if there are any missing, incorrect, etc. go to Charges and add/correct items. Once complete select Mark Reviewed.
  5. The checkbox under Mark Reviewed will turn GREEN.
  6. When the client has been contacted and the patient is ready to go home select Ready to go Home.
  7. Complete the "go home" information and ensure you put in good notes that will aid in patient dismissal. (Notes are for internal use only.)
  8. The checkbox under Ready to go Home will turn GREEN.


  • You can return to Review/Finalize Charges or Ready to go Home and update the information as often as you like.
  • Go straight to exam reports marked for review by selecting SANDI - Exam Draft/Review Worklist in the upper right of the Departmental Worklist.


Note: Once the visit is closed it will be removed from the departmental worklist.

Discharge Worklist Updates

Client Services uses the Discharge Worklist to discharge patients and can visually see that the Client has been contacted and charges have been reviewed which reduces the need to contact the service for patient information.

  1. The Owner Contacted will now be populated with the name of the last user who Reviewed the charges and contacted the owner.
  2. The Charges Reviewed will now be populated with the name of the last user who Reviewed the charges and contacted the owner.


Note: Hover over the name within Owner Contacted and you will see the date, time and any notes entered. The date and time is displayed when hovering over Charges Reviewed

worklist, tasks, ready, go home, finalize, review, charges, list, department, discharge 
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Owned by:
Tina O. in UofI College of Veterinary Medicine Teaching Hospital
University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine Teaching Hospital