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Adobe Sign - What is Adobe Sign and how do I use it at the University of Illinois?

The University of Illinois uses Adobe Sign for e-signatures. Adobe Sign is a digital signature application that allows users to securely sign, initial, and enter other information on an electronic document rather than a physical copy. High use forms have already begun to be incorporated into Adobe Sign, with more forms being added weekly.
Index of links to other Adobe Sign articles
 E-Signatures at the University of Illinois How do I sign an electronic document? Adobe Sign Tutorials Tips for USCs and Group Admins Adobe Sign Troubleshooting

What is Adobe Sign?

Adobe Sign is an electronic signature application that allows users to securely sign, initial, and enter other information on an electronic document rather than a physical copy. If you like you can preview the signing experience. Signing is one of the main functions of Adobe Sign. Anyone can sign via an email link on any web browser on their computer or using their mobile device. If you have an Adobe Sign account, you can also sign using the “Adobe Sign manager” iOS or Android native app. You can also initiate signing from the Manage page. Signing is also built into the “Fill & Sign” process. Adobe Sign supports the latest web browsers on smartphones and tablets that run the iOS or Android operating systems.

Adobe Sign is a lot more than just an e-signature tool though! Please check out our Adobe Sign Tutorials article to check out features like bulk send, self-service webforms, advanced routing options, and more. 

Please visit the University's eSignature page for full Terms of Service, Frequently Asked Questions, and relevant policies. 

Getting Access to Adobe Sign

A flowchart of how to gain access to Adobe Sign


University employees have default user access to sign documents in Adobe Sign. External users can sign documents as well without the need for an Adobe Sign account.


First, check to see that your unit already has an approved group. If a group exists, contact your appointed Group Admin to gain access to send documents (agreements) out for signature.

If your unit does not yet have a group, coordinate with a supervisor to contact your USC.

Creating a Group (Unit Security Contact approval required)

A USC can register a unit/department for an Adobe Sign group by completing the Adobe Sign Access Request form:

Only one Access Request form is needed per group. Once a group is created, no further forms need to be sent because appointed Group Admins can now add users and provide sending access. In general ,we recommend that the USC nominates a Group Admin from within the group so the group can autonomously provision sending privileges once approved. If a USC wants to act as Group Admin, their backup USC must complete the Access Request form.  

Logging into Adobe Sign

The Adobe Sign login can be accessed by navigating to

  1.  To start the login process, enter your full campus email address, e.g.,, **PLEASE NOTE: At this time, addresses are not supported on this platform. Please use your campus-specific email.** 
  2. These credentials will redirect you to the standard University Single-Sign-On (SSO) page if you are not already signed in. On the SSO page, enter your U of I credentials (NetID and password) and click Login.
  3. You will then be brought to the Adobe Sign homepage with a UI Systems logo in the top left corner. 
  4. If you are unable to log in or do not see the University logo once signed in, your account might not be provisioned correctly. Please contact the AITS Service Desk.

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Keywordse-signatures, electronic signature, digital signatures, records management, AITS   Doc ID99719
OwnerAITS Business Process AutomationGroupUniversity of Illinois System
Created2020-03-30 10:11:04Updated2024-08-14 10:14:52
SitesUniversity of Illinois System
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