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UPB - Web Time Entry 9x Resources

The University of Illinois System has upgraded the Web Time Entry application along with Banner Self-Service to version 9x from version 8x. This resource page is meant to help with the transition by providing recorded presentations, job aids, videos, and a Web Time Entry 9x FAQ.

Recorded Presentations

Job Aids

For Employees Reporting Time

For Salaried-Non Exempt Employees Reporting Time

For Approvers

For Proxy Approvers Only

For Superusers Only


Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to frequently asked questions appear below.


Where do I find the new version of Web Time Entry?

On or after February 12, 2024, you can access the new version of Web Time Entry by going to the University of Illinois System Application Directory ( and selecting the Staff & Faculty Self-Service button or the Banner Self-Service link. You can also navigate directly to Banner Self-Service ( After selecting your campus and logging in, the myUIconnect page will be displayed. Select the Employee Self-Service card to access Web Time Entry.

NOTE: Please be aware that upon your first login to myUIconnect, you will be presented with 3, one-time, Welcome screens which you will be required to click through before your cards are displayed.

Will the URLs to Web Time Entry change after Go-Live?

The URL to Banner Self-Service will remain the same (, but the campus specific URLS will change. Any campus specific bookmarks in your browser will need to be updated after Go-Live.

Is the Recall Timesheet button in Web Time Entry 9x the same thing as the Return Time Button in version 8x?

Yes, the Recall Timesheet pulls back the timesheet the same way that the Return Time button did in Web Time Entry 8x. The Recall Timesheet is available to employees after they submitted their timesheet and the timesheet is in a Pending status as long as the Time Entry Cutoff noted in the Payroll Schedule has not passed. An Approver will see the Recall Timesheet button on an approved timesheet if they are the only Approver in the routing queue and the time approval window is still open. If they are not the only Approver in the routing queue, the Recall Timesheet button may not appear for them if another Approver has also approved the timesheet. See the FAQ item "Why can't I recall a timesheet that I approved?" for more information. 


For Employees Reporting Time

Why does nothing display when I click the Leave Balances link in the timesheet? 

This functionality needed to be turned off as it was not displaying the correct leave balance information. Civil Service Non-Exempt employees can review their leave balances in their most recent earnings statement. Civil Service Exempt and monthly paid employees can view their leave balances in the system used by their department or campus for requesting and approving their leave time such as VSL, AVSL or GoTime!

When I open my timesheet to enter or review my hours, will I be brought to the first day of the pay period or the current day?

During the pay period, you will be defaulted to the current day when you open the timesheet. You will use the carousel arrows to navigate to the appropriate week and select the day you wish to modify. If you open your timesheet after the pay period date range but before the time entry cutoff date, such as the following Monday, the application will bring you to the first day of the pay period since the current day does not fall within the pay period range.

Why do I see an Approve Time link in the My Activities section of the Employee Dashboard when I don't have an approval role (e.g., Approver, Proxy Approver, Superuser)?

In Web Time Entry 9x, the application is checking to see if the user has an active record in the Banner Enterprise Access Controls (GOAEACC) page instead of checking more specific time approval records in Banner. Users may have an active record in the Enterprise Access Controls (GOAEACC) page for other reasons than a time approval role. A defect has been logged with Ellucian. If a user sees this link but does not have an approval role or the appropriate security permissions, they will receive the message "No Timesheet documents available for approval." message when they click the link.

Note: The error message "No Timesheet documents available for approval." will also appear for other scenarios which will be outlined soon in the FAQ for Approvers, Proxy Approvers, and Superusers.

Why do I get a warning about possible insufficient leave balances when I start recording leave time in Web Time Entry 9x?

This is new with Web Time Entry 9x and the answer depends on what employees class you belong to.

  • Civil Service Non-Exempt: If you are a Civil Service Non-Exempt employee and enter leave hours, Web Time Entry checks your leave balances in the Banner Employee Leave Balances (PEAEMPL) page. For example, if an employee has 8.0 hours of vacation time for their vacation leave balance in Banner, but they record 22.5 hours of vacation time, the warning appears. The vacation leave balance and any vacation accrued during the pay period may only cover a portion of the vacation time. Web Time Entry will not prevent the submission or approval of the vacation hours. Instead, Banner will assign the remainder of the vacation hours to the earnings code DOC, and the employees's pay will be reduced by the hours assigned to DOC multiplied by the hourly rate on the job record. 
  • Extra help: If you are an Extra Help employee, the hours you have worked in the extra help job are tracked in the Banner Employee Leave Balances (PEAEMPL) page under the leave code T900 or T950. Extra Help employees, per Civil Service rules, are only allowed to work 900 or 950 hours in the temporary extra help position. The Regular Pay Extra Help earnings code is configured to add 1 negative T900 and T950 hour for every hour worked. Human Resources can then monitor when Extra Help employees are nearing the maximums -900 for T900 or -950 for T950.  


For Approvers, Acknowledgers, Proxy Approvers, and Superusers

Will we have to make any security or routing queue changes for the new version of Web Time Entry (9x)?

No, the security and routing queues are set in Banner. The new version of Web Time Entry will reference the same security and routing queue information that version 8 used. 

How can Approvers validate the employee has enough leave to cover the Leave hours entered before approving the timesheet since the Leave Balance link has been disabled?

The Leave Balance link was disabled since the leave balances were not displaying correctly for all employees. Web Time Entry 9x will display an alert in the Time Entry Approvals screen for any issues related to the timesheet, including possible insufficient leave  balances. This alert also appears in the Details screen of the timesheet. If this alert appears, Approvers should review the employee's leave balances in the Banner Employee Leave Balances (PEALEAV) page.

Why isn't the current pay period available in the Pay Period drop-down list in the Time Entry Approvals screen when I go to approve timesheets?

If you have an approval role for the timesheet organization and the pay period is open for time entry as shown on the Payroll Schedule, then the employees have not started their timesheets yet. Once one employee starts their timesheet, the current pay period will appear in the Pay Period drop-down list.

How is the timesheet status of Pending – In the Queue different from Pending?

The status of Pending – In the Queue is a status that is visible to individuals that have an approval role. It appears in the Distribution Status Report in the Time Entry Approvals screen. This status indicates that more than one time approver is in the routing queue for that timesheet organization.  For example, Rebecca, James, and Jeff are timesheet Approvers for their organization, and all are listed in Banner Routing Queue Rules (NTRRQUE) for that timesheet organization in that order. When James and Jeff access the Time Entry Approval screen, they will both see 5 timesheets at a status of Pending – In the Queue in the Distribution Status Report. Since Rebecca is the first Approver in the routing queue, those 5 timesheets will appear with a status of Pending. After Rebecca approves the timesheets, James will see them move to a status of Pending, but they will remain at Pending – In the Queue for Jeff until James approves the timesheets.

What does the status Pending – Approved mean?

If you see a timesheet at the status of Pending – Approved, you have approved the timesheet, but at least one other Approver needs to approve the timesheet before it will move to the status of Approved. A timesheet needs to be in the status of Approved before the payroll calc. If the timesheet is not in an Approved status before the payroll calc, the unit will have to submit a payroll adjustment through PARIS to pay the employee. The payroll calc begins after 5:00 p.m. on the Time Entry Cut-off date displayed in the Payroll Schedule for that pay period.

Why can't I recall a timesheet that I approved?

One of the following scenarios may be the reason an Approver cannot recall a timesheet they approved:

  • If the time approval period is closed, an Approver will not be able to recall an approved timesheet. If pay needs to be corrected, you will need to submit a payroll adjustment. Please consult the UPB-Payroll Correction and Adjustment Guide for Bi-weekly Hourly Employees.
  • If the time approval period is still open, two possible reasons may be preventing an Approver from recalling the approved timesheet.
    • The first reason is that a Superuser approved the timesheet. No further edits can occur to the timesheet unless the Superuser recalls the timesheet. Once the Superuser recalls the timesheet, the status will change to Pending, and it can be edited by the Approver or returned to the employee for correction. 
    • The second scenario occurs when the routing queue holds more than one Approver. You have approved and one or more Approvers after you in the routing queue also approved the timesheet. Each Approver position after you needs to recall the timesheet, starting from the last approval and working backwards until you can recall the timesheet. Once corrections are made to the timesheet, it must again move through all the approvals in the routing queue to be picked up for the payroll calc. This is one of the many reasons why University Payroll & Benefits does not recommend having multiple Approvers in the routing queue.

How do I view the Account Distribution on a timesheet to see if any edits need to be made?

In Web Time Entry 8x, the Account Distribution was displayed on the timesheet under Account Distribution Default Data. Ellucian made a functional change to the display of C-FOAPAL information on the timesheet which was approved by their Development Partners Group. In version 9x, the Account Distribution or C-FOAPAL information is only shown on the timesheet if it was changed during the timesheet approval process. Approvers can view and edit the C-FOAPAL information by selecting the Account Distribution link for any of the earnings on the timesheet. Changes that are made apply only to the hours for the day and earn code selected. Please see the Viewing and Editing an Account Distribution in Web time Entry job aid for more information.

How do I view Not Started timesheets when they do not appear in the Distribution Status Report?

The default display of timesheet status when entering the Time Approvals screen is All Status except Not Started. To view Not Started timesheets, choose the pay period from the Pay Period drop-down list, then select Not Started from the Timesheet Status drop-down list. This will display Not Started timesheets. Keep in mind, Acknowledgers, Approvers, and Proxy Approvers cannot start timesheets. They will need to contact the employee or a Superuser depending on whether the Time Entry Cutoff has passed. This deadline can be found on the Payroll Schedule. 


For Proxy Approvers and Superusers Only

Why do I see the message "No Timesheet documents available for approval" after I click the Approve Time link in the My Activities section of the Employment Dashboard?

This message will appear if you are a Proxy Approver or Superuser but haven't yet accessed the role in this time approval session. 

Proxy Approvers - See the Accessing the Proxy Approver role in instructions in the UPB - Accessing, Reviewing, and Approving Pending Timesheets as a Proxy Approver in Web Time Entry. 

Superusers - See the Accessing the Superuser role instructions in the UPB - Accessing, Reviewing, and Approving Pending Timesheets as a Superuser in Web Time Entry. 


Contact and Resources

Please submit your questions and report issues through the UPB Customer Service Portal. Enter a ticket and under ticket details, type WTE 9x in the Title field so your ticket is prioritized and routed to subject matter experts quickly.

See also the general Banner 9 Self-Service Resources page published by AITS.

Keywordsweb time entry WTE9x 9x   Doc ID133775
OwnerLaura B.GroupUI Training and Development Resources
Created2024-01-02 13:09:06Updated2024-06-27 08:25:51
SitesUniversity of Illinois System, University of Illinois Training and Development Resources
Feedback  16   16