Results: 1-20 of 47

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
1Zoom: Hosting and Role Privileges1283592024-07-03997
3iSchool Rooms: How to Connect to the Television from a Laptop via HDMI (Panel Rooms)1290282024-08-161073
4Zoom: Ending Meeting for Host1283582024-07-031079
5Zoom: Breakout Rooms1266742024-07-101833
6Canvas: Downloading Course Content1248472024-06-033967
7iSchool Rooms: How to Connect to the Television with a Laptop via HDMI (Non-Panel Rooms)1290292024-08-16857
9Zoom: Noteworthy Settings1267192024-07-031938
10Auto-replies in Outlook: they're not just for vacations1292422024-09-121013
11Zoom: Tips and Best Practices1297462024-07-031407
12Zoom: Session Duration and Timeouts1269332024-07-033859
13Zoom: Attendance and Poll Reports1293442024-06-251277
14iSchool Rooms: How to use the control panel (Room 12A, 46, 53, 126, 131, 242)1289362025-01-221004
15Uploading Media from Kaltura/Mediaspace to a Canvas Assignment1430892024-11-19424
16iSchool Rooms: Conference Room Hybrid Audio1290252024-09-121058
17FAQ Outlook Calendars1292302024-09-121027
18Posting Class Recordings from Illinois Media Space to Canvas1283142024-09-121385
19iSchool Rooms: How to Connect the Television to a Windows Laptop Wirelessly (Panel Rooms)1290382024-08-16865
20iSchool Rooms: Conference Room Hybrid Video1290272024-08-121270
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