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eLearning: Recommended Teaching Resources and Tools

The following are recommended tools for a variety of instruction scenarios.

Engineering IT offers assistance to instructors with various instructional tools. Please email for consultation.

Course Setup & Management

Function Collaborative online space for delivering course content, course materials One stop landing page for course content and links to other tools
  • Communication Tools
  • Assessment Tools
  • Interactive Tools
  • Analytics
  • Website directories along with term subfolders are automatically created for each course being taught as soon as they appear in the course catalog

Assessment Tools

Function Assessment creation within Canvas Supports variable-length assignments and fixed-template like worksheets, quizzes, or exams Offers a wide range of built-in widgets to accelerate question writing development
  • Utilizes built in tools for tests and surveys
  • Automatic grading of single-answer choices
  • High quality feedback may reduce the burden on students to seek help
  • Score adaptively based on student mastery and question difficulty
  • Automate the submission and grading process
  • Analyze assessment quality and student outcomes

Proctoring Tools

Computer based, proctored assessments for Grainger College of Engineering Students
  • Utilizes PrairieLearn
  • Online Zoom-based proctoring
  • Facility for in-person testing
  • Reservation-based scheduling

Engagement & Interactivity

Live Discussion

  • Video conferencing for live class sessions
  • Group discussions
  • Office hours
Single platform for Q&A, discussions, and active learning
  • Video conferencing
  • Threaded chat
  • Instant messaging

Collaborative digital whiteboard

Collaborative channels for communicating via threaded chat

  • Course communication in one place
  • Polling
  • Breakout rooms
  • Queuing
  • Screen sharing
  • Annotating
  • Drawing
  • Load in pictures or documents and draw on top of them
  • Organize conversations
  • Search
  • Share files

Asynchronous Online Discussion

Post discussion questions or topics publicly Single platform for Q&A, discussions, and active learning
  • Public or private Q&A
  • Provides structure to interactions
Threaded discussions Collaborative channels for communicating via threaded chat
  • Multiple discussion boards in one course
  • No need for students to be logged in at the same time
  • Class feed for discussion
  • Can be anonymous
  • Both students and instructors can respond
  • Chat
  • File sharing
  • Discussion threads
  • Organize conversations
  • Search
  • Share files

Office Hours

Canvas Scheduler
One on one discussions with waiting room option Custom virtual spaces for people to gather Scheduled discussions with chat option Create a block of time where students can meet with you
  • Hold small group discussions or use breakout rooms
  • Waiting room
  • Recurring meetings
  • Virtual spaces that lets multiple people hold separate conversations in parallel and walk in, out and around the conversations
  • Hold small group discussions or use breakout rooms
  • Recurring meetings
  • Appointments display in your calendar after a student or group has reserved a time slot
  • Appointment details are also included when you export the calendar using the Calendar feed
  • Can include Zoom link

Recording Lecture Tools

Personal Recording
Classroom Recording
Kaltura Personal Capture Kaltura Room Capture

Never created personal videos? Use Kaltura Personal Capture for ease of publishing to MediaSpace.

Additional Room Information & Scheduling:
eLearning: Grainger College of Engineering Presentation Recording Classrooms

Review the Instructor Checklist

  • Record lecture, screen capture, webcam video and audio
  • Upload and publish previously-recorded media
Dual capture of room camera video with projected presentation content from multiple sources: e.g. resident computer, laptop, document camera (where available)
  • Software- and web browser-based capture
  • Compass2g & Moodle integration
  • Flexible media sharing options (to specific individuals, course sections, or off-campus audiences)
  • Basic video editing capabilities
  • Auto-captioning, with ability to edit captions
  • Variable speed video playback

  • Pre-schedule a semester’s worth of course recordings in advance
  • Remotely steerable camera can be set to capture in-room blackboard or whiteboard
  • Compass2g & Moodle integration
  • Flexible media sharing options (to specific individuals, course sections, or off-campus audiences)
  • Basic video editing capabilities
  • Variable speed video playback
  • Auto-captioning, with ability to edit captions


Live Lecture Tools

Personal Live Recording
  • Video conferencing for live class sessions
  • Live interaction between instructor and peers
  • Whiteboard option
  • Accessible from many different OS platforms including mobile
  • Add Zoom tool link within LMS

Transcription Tools

Automatic speech recognition tool Open-source, web-based platform that leverages crowd sourcing to address the problem of accurate, reliable, and fast transcriptions of college lectures. Automatically transcribe audio of a meeting or webinar that you record to the cloud
Captions are automatically added to media in Kaltura using ASR (automatic speech recognition)
  • Student reviewed transcribing
  • Searchable by captioning
  • Option to display the transcript text within the video itself
  • Similar to closed caption display

Remote Engineering Software Access

For instructional needs that require access to software typically found in our Engineering WorkStation (EWS) labs, these are the recommended connection solutions. Support is available by submitted a help request at

Instructor Checklist - Engineering IT

Remote Windows-based application access Remote Linux-based application access

Keywordsinstruction TA teaching tools course management lecture capture communication assessment asynchronous synchronous faculty instructor   Doc ID103824
OwnerAnya K.GroupEngineering IT
Shared Services
Created2020-07-09 10:26:45Updated2024-05-29 13:57:52
SitesUniversity of Illinois Engineering IT
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